After Belden Namah released his media statement criticizing Peter O’Neill and Australia’s involvement in the
election process, posted Namah’s press release in a number of PNG
Facebook groups t
Here’s a selection of ten responses from Facebook and The Garamut – verbatim:
Eddie Raka:
Samuel Kiap:“And when he said to defer it by another 6mnths everyone had something to say and look at whats happening everywhere now?? what about all those who had something to say about his actions… shame on us!”
“He truely unveiled the future events. Evryone should have listened to him. However, the former and current government has done injustice to PNG and it’s citizens.”BNT:
Moses Zazon:“Belden Namah for Prime Minister. Full Support. We don’t need yoyo MPs, like all the MPs who moved over from the Somare Regime to form the new government, and weak MPs to lead the country. Those MPs moved over and started blaming GC Somare for failing PNG for his 9 years in power. They were part of his government. All of these MPs are Hypocrites, and absolutely corrupt! We need strong, determined leaders who can do radical changes to bring PNG absolutely out of corruption and stone age. Beldem Namah for PM Position. Period!”
“I concur with Beldon for being patriotic particularly on this piece and I quote “…continue to listern to foreign advice we will continue to face problem in the future. I have total confidence in our home grown PNGean advisors and I am prepared to listern to them”. This has been missing for a long while.”
Christoper Papiali:
“Beldon Namah’s point is well taken. For how long we will succumb to foreign influence and dominance? Nationalism and Patriotism are concepts that have to seek deep into our school children. As the school children sing the PNG National Anthem every morning or at every important school occasion, we are challenged to teach our children what it really means to be very very patriotic. PATRIOTISM and NATIONALISM are best medicine to awaken the ‘indigenous consciousness’. This is what Chinese, and other ethnic groups are best capable of doing to stand tall above the world.”
Daniel Ninatole:
Gerard Dogimab:“Belden Namah..your comments are true in very respsect and sense..our education is failing because of aussies…now they have done it with the electoral commison….what have these damn advisors been doing..giving ill advice to Trawen….Belden Namah..become prime minister and all aussie consultants will pack up and leave…shame on them…liars, crooks, and con artists here to destroy PNG”
Ruth Pala:“Here we go again. When things go wrong blame the foreigner in png. How pathetic is this? We we buy votes, blame…when we double vote blame….when we rigg the elections blame… Blame everyone else except ourselves. What a Load of bull waste.”
“Alway passing the buck! When will anyone stand up and declare “THE BUCK STOPS HERE”!! What’s done, is done!! The state of this election was as a result of ill-preparation of the ER on the part of the PNGEC.. hence the complaints of hundreds or thousands, even, eligible voters denied there democratic right to vote. The EC had ample time for preparations, given the 5 year timespan,.. sampla tingting tasol.”
“Let’s not forget that while the public debate about the deferral of elections was relatively fresh, earlier this year, Namah’s main line of reasoning to local media was that deferral was the best way for his government to implement its policies and stand its best chance of re-election.”
Ben Yamai:
The Garamut“Just a load of nonsense as usual. Namah was an integral part of ALL cabinets since Election 2007. He cannot blame other leaders for this mess without apportioning part of the blame to himself. Or has he been operating from Pluto this past four and a half years? He was part and parcel of all the stupid decisions that have caused much suffering, confusion, frustration and despair for people. He needs to stop this self-rightous posturing and accept equal responsibility for this electoral mess.”
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