Not a Happy Gardner: Is Parkop’s man playing dirty?
This is from Simon Merton, who is contesting the Moresby South Open:
am not a rich business man who has made millions from questionable
contracts with the NCDC. I am a working class Papua New Guinean who is
exercising my democratic right to contest the national elections for the
seat of Moresby South. I have had no problems with any other
candidates, all have been running professional courteous campaigns, all
except one... In the last week I have lost k5000 worth of banners and
posters to the Happy Gardeners paid Thugs the latest been last night
right in front of my eyes along Korobesea drive a load of thugs in a
vehicle plastered with Justin and Powes posters stopped in the middle
road and cut down and stole my banner from the rain tree on customary
land that was placed with permission. When they were approached by the
security guard at nearby residences they proceeded to assault him all
the while chanting Justin Justin Justin. Come on Gardener, clean up your
act and try and play fair, do you even know what that means?"

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