Thursday, June 28, 2012

Keep counting votes in Hela

I WRITE to commend the people of Hela and Southern Highlands provinces for going to the polls as planned.
Although there were some discrepancies at some polling booths, generally the event went ahead with return of the ballot boxes safely.
As reported by governor Anderson Agiru, Hela voters have been deprived with some 40,000 votes wasted.
The incidents at the booths were not the making of the small people but were the making of the candidates and their small band of supporters.
In Hela, some notable candidates with the support of their political parties moved big bags of money to bribe voters.
However, realising their money was a waste, they strategised other illegal ways and means to sabotage the polling and destroy ballot papers.
There are also contemplations for the scrutiny or counting of Hela ballots to be taken to Mt Hagen or Goroka.
This is yet again another strategy to confused the Hela public and eventually to declare their own candidates.
The candidates are hell bent to bribe returning officers as means to hijack the counting process with the strategy to declare candidates and thus abuse the Writs.
The PNG Electoral Commission is urged not to entertain such demands from candidates, not even from the highest authority of government.
There is a big conspiracy and electoral fraud in the Southern Highlands and Hela provinces that the PNGEC ought to be very careful.
In the best interest of the Hela people, the counting of votes must be done only in Hela and on Hela soil.
There are also contemplations for “rent” tribal fights to escalate in Tari as means to lure the PNGEC and the security forces to cause a transfer of counting from Hela to Mt Hagen or Goroka.
Hela Igini
Tari, HP

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