HAS the iron fist and dictatorship of the Arab world come to PNG?
Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Muammar Gad­dafi of Libya were the more famous dictators who were removed from power by a movement known as the Arab Spring.
The young computer li­terate and Facebook gene­ration in those countries now want more political freedom and more say.
If Sir Michael Somare has any integrity left, he should leave.
The recent attempted military coup showed how low he had fallen so much so he failed to see it.
He used to treat the parliament house as his own house.
But the house has expelled him by new laws passed by parliament.
One thing I know is old empires do not rise again.
When he was prime minister for the past nine years, there was no real democracy as parliament sittings were put off for months, there were no debates and the opposition was gagged.
Is it any wonder the Somare regime was one of the most detested?

Jack Loksy
Port Moresby