Source: The National, 

LAE MP and Public Service Minister Bart Philemon says the 2012 national elections will be his last.
Philemon, 66, from Butibam village in Lae, made the announcement at his New Generation Party’s fundraising dinner at Vision City in Port Moresby on Saturday night.
He told a huge crowd of business executives, public servants, politicians and others that after serving four terms since 1992, 2012 would be his “swansong”.
“I could win this one or I could lose it,” he said.
‘It will be my last election and my last term as politician.”
He said politicians owed it to the children of Papua New Guinea for a better future.
“Today’s children, to­morrow’s future,” he said.
“There must be strong and effective lea­dership.
“PNG is a country very much in turmoil, hence, the branding, a ‘poor rich country’.”
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said the current political chaos in the country was not doing any good for the children.
“Papua New Guinea is at a very interesting juncture,” he said.
“We are going back and forth to the court house.
“The country does not deserve this. We need to provide a future for the kids.”
“It is very important that we have political parties that have good principles, candidates that are outstanding.”
O’Neill said never had the need been greater for good leaders with the current LNG and resource developments in the country.
“All these world-class developments will bring in windfall to this country,” he said.
“This election is for the future of this country and for the future of our children.”
Health Minister and Anglimo-South Waghi MP, Jamie Maxtone-Graham, pledged K250,000 support to NGP from PNG Party.