Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fresh Update Sepiks want a fair deal

Sepiks want a fair deal. That is the underlying factor and they have not been accorded that. The past events have seen them banished from the floor of the parliament, labelled as foreigners, and laws have been amended to destroy them. The courts are the place where freedom is debated. So far not good. If parliament is the place where the people have spoken, what about us. We have been banished by the so called people voice. 
Somare is still our voice regardless of how this nation sees him and all past events and current events have one common undertone. DESTROY SOMARE FOR GOOD! DO NOT GIVE HIM BREATHING SPACE! FINISH HIM OFF! He was our leader for 36 plus years but occasionally for Papua New Guinea.Give us a fair deal and respect established systems set in place to deal with those called allegations. 
Only then can we respect the rule of law because we have been accorded a fair hearing. But so far parliament is supreme and with the courts struggling to maintain its integrity, where must justice be debated? We don't have a place for a fair trial as it has no more power. The saddest fact is that Sepik is no go zone for Nama and his PNG party. What have we come to PNG? Perfect breeding ground for a revolution. I hope Nama doesn't hurt us to get at Somare or shoot us like he did to the Bouganvillians. 
Where is wisdom in this whole hunting game? Where is discretion? Where is fairness? Where is justice? Where are the people? In our society, blood is thicker than water. We only bow to God and the court system where we know justice is fair. Not to a politician or a system that's biased. We stand firm and will only accept a decision from the courts where we know we'll be given a fair hearing. 
As far as we the people of ESP know, there is no such a government as the O'Neil Nama government, nor is there an organization such as Task Force Sweep. The courts have ruled. We stand firm on that through our Political Voice. Somare's government is the only legal government. What will Papua New Guinea do? Shoot us for that? No one is allowed in EAST SEPIK PROVINCE until justice is dealt fair and square. If the courts have ruled against us, the story would have been different. We would have accepted that and walked away.

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