Thursday, April 19, 2012

Experimental Seabed Campaign goes regional with a launch of "20,000 signatures" initiative

Experimental Seabed Campaign goes regional with a launch of "20,000 signatures" initiative

Posted by Effrey
ACT NOW! recently launched a email action addressed to Pacific Island Leaders, requesting an end to experimental seabed mining in the region. The basis for the concern was in relation to the environmental and social sustainability issue surrounding this "first of it's kind" mining and it's long term impact on coastal communities. 
Last week, ACT NOW! extended this campaign as more Pacific islands governments have began issuing licenses to foreign companies, to undertake this potentially destructive mining activity. Our aim is to obtain 20,000 signatures in the lead up to Pacific Heads of States meeting in the Cook Islands. We need your support to spread the message and gather in the signatures of concerned peoples of the Pacific.
Attached to this blog article is the paper petition. Please collect signatures from your friends, relatives and send us copies of the signature pages to or post to ACT NOW!, P.O Box 5218, Boroko, NCD.
Please note also that in order to assist us to publicly acknowledge your contribution towards this campaign, please state your name and address on the signature page, and send to us by 31st July 2012.

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