Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Govt must be lauded for K480m road project

IT gives me great pleasure to read of the announcement by the Minister for Works amd Transport Francis Awesa to fund the upgrading and sealing of the Kandep-Mendi and Laiagam-Porgera roads under the Multi-Finance Loan contract which is co-funded by the Asian Development Bank and the PNG government.
The constituency is home to a world class gold mine managed by Barrick Gold and after 25 years of contributing millions of kina to the public purse, it is high time these neglected roads were improved.
I am very grateful to the O’Neill-Namah government for making these two historic projects worth K480 million a reality.
It will not doubt contribute to sustained economic growth for the agriculture and mineral sector in the long term.
Thanks are also due to the proponents behind the projects in the Kandep MP Don Polye and the Member for Lagaip-Porgera Philip Kikala.
We commend you all on making this a reality.

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