Friday, February 3, 2012


Come on Papua New Guineans, lets not kid ourselves. The government of O'Neill-Namah is illegitimate. We have been trying our best to rationalize it on the basis of the conduct of the Somare governments of the past and their performance or lack thereof. Then we realized more than half of them including the Speaker are in the current camp. So we embarked upon personalizing it on the Somare family. Its so convenient to do that.

I have even criticised Arthur Somare on the LNG deal, and called it a stupid deal. But that is as far as I could go. I do not have any evidence of any corruption on the LNG deal. 

All I know is it was a sell out by Arthur of PNG, and that is due to his inexperience and ready trust of whitemen over his own kind. That is pure insecurity. If he has corruptly made money from the LNG deal, he will never become great. He will lose his Angoram seat.  Nature will deal with him.

However, my dislike of his policy on LNG should not automatically translate into hate for him or disenfranchise him of his right to represent his people. I am not entitled to tell lies about him or vilify him on this site. Equally I am not entitled to call the Grand Chief a thief lie a lot of people rattle off on this site. I have never seen him steal anything from anyone. He has not stolen my money, my chicken, my savings, my garden, my canoe, my pig, my clothes. I have met him many times as a senior civil servant, and he never strike me as the stealing type.

We have been doing our best on this site to rationalize by irrational hysteria and give some form or air of  legitimacy to the O'Neill-Namah regime. However, deep down we know they are an illegitimate government. That is so because many legal scholars including Dr John Luluaki and Dr John Nonggorr have said so. That is so because in this blog I traced clinically and surgically their purported exercise of executive and legislative  powers under the Constitution and concluded that they were exercising those powers illegitimately. It is no surprise indeed that the Supreme Court view is shared by Dr Luluaki and Dr Nonggorr.

The question always was whether Peter O'Neill and Belden Namah would comply with the Supreme Court or not? The Supreme Court ruled that in fact there was no vacancy in the PMs seat, that Somare continues to be PM in an unbroken line. All Peter and Belden needed to do was to comply with the ruling and allow Somare to take his place as Prime Minister, and then use their numerical strength as Parliament to make necessary changes legitimately.

This they didn't do. Instead, while the Supreme Court was seized of the matter they purported to pass certain legislation as Parliament. Well the conduct of Peter O'Neill as Prime Minister and head of executive government, and his ability to present government business in parliament standing in government ranks as Prime Minister was subjudice. He was always on Notice that everything he did, including all Agreements he signed with Australia and other countries were null and void and of no effect because his very office and powers were subject of Supreme Court deliberation. Indeed they became so void upon the Supreme Court decision.

[ Part of the reason why Australia is trying to recognize and is organizing support for O'Neill behind the scenes is because those agreements are null and void by the Supreme Court Decision, and they are trying to support O'Neill to legitimize those Agreements- which they knowing the law should not have signed in the first place, but they couldn't help themselves].

Knowing the subject of the legitimacy of his own position as Prime Minister was a matter of subjudice, and his whole Cabinet's legitimacy was subjudice, we saw how he cooked up on the 11th hour an attempt to impeach the Chief Justice. The three fabricated affidavits seeking to implicate the Chief justice I am told were all identical except for the names and signatures. Its as if there were three people doing tandem dancing or tandem singing from the same songsheet, tandem pausing and breathing at the same time. It was all  what comes out of the back of cows, cooked up in the last minute to seek to destroy the Chief Justice.

It was clearly contemptuous of O'Neill-Namah Cabinet to do that. It was a deliberate show of disrespect for the courts by the purported Prime Minister and purported Deputy prime Minister and their purported Ministers. They were lucky only Namah and Marat were cited for Contempt. The whole lot of them should have been jailed. The Court was very soft on them. Most got away. That should not be allowed.

Every Minister must know, the Supreme Court is the Court of law and Justice. In their conduct they must in the public interest not bring the Court into disrepute or ridicule. That is not only contemptuous, but is a breach of the Leadership code prosecutable by the Ombudsman Commission. The Ombudsman should, and must investigate the conduct of all leaders involved in seeking to impeach the Chief Justice in December 2011 while the Court was seized of the matter of their own legitimacy to govern.

This now brings us to the present strange conduct by Peter O'Neill and Belden Namah and co to impeach the Chief Justice again. They don't have to carry on this fabricated charade. I ask again, why don't they just comply with the Supreme Court Orders, and use their numerical strength on the floor of Parliament? What are they frightened of?

They have strangely again trying to set themselves on a collision course with the Judiciary. Now every Papua New Guinean needs to pause for a while and ask, is this the type of responsible government behaviour expected of our Prime Minister? Is this responsible leadership in our democracy? Well the answer is very clear. It is not responsible government to destroy the Judiciary. It is not responsible leadership. There is no maturity in such conduct. The Chief Justices position as Head of Judiciary is an equal of the Prime Minister as Head of executive government. To seek to impeach the Chief Justice while the Supreme Court is seized of the contempt matters filed by the Somare team, is clearly contemptuous and is an abuse of executive power. Belden Namah and Peter O'Neill are seeking personal power glory and preservation by abusing the Executive Power of the People.

 This is not the type of conduct expected of mature educated and well cultivated leadership in Melanesian society.In our traditional settings, our leaders always take all factors into account, including the overall welfare of the people and of the whole society. They don't just think of themselves and their position of power. In fact they hardly put themselves first, and that quality made them standout leaders of their people. I can name names and you can name names of men like that.

So whats so different about national leadership? I say there is no difference. The National Leaders must consider the overall welfare of this nation. They must look at what they are doing, and must exercise restraint, and put their interests to the back of their minds and put the nation's interests first.

Today, the nations interests demands that Peter O'Neill must obey the Supreme Court ruling and orders. He is a young up and coming leader of this nation. A lot of the things we are accusing Somare of were the doing of O'Neill, Namah and Polye in various Somare Cabinets. O'Neil must exercise wise leadership, show restraint and comply with the Supreme Court Orders. He must withdraw from this confrontation with the Judiciary that will end up destroying the Office of the Prime Minister and the Judiciary of this country. The Courts will win or Peter O'Neill will win, but in the process O'Neill will have destroyed our nation and plunge us into deeper crisis.

In this country, O'Neill and Namah have said at various times that no one is above the law. Well if that is the case, they must submit themselves to the law like all our other past leaders have done at various times. They must lead by example.

Namah and O'Neill must cease buying and keeping the Police Force in their backyards like pet dogs. The Police are not personal army of Namah and O'Neill. They are not and should not be instruments of political oppression. We are not a Police State. The Policemen is an independent officer of the courts and of the law. As a law enforcement officer he has a duty to the State to be independent of Political direction. His role under the constitution is to enforce the law without fear or favor. Today that is not the case. They are all drinking with Namah and O'Neill, driving around with them and eating with them and carrying on like gangsters.

Well Mr Kulunga and Yakasa if this is what you have reduced the Royal Constabulary to then your are both a disgrace to this country! All Policemen drinking and carrying on with Namah and O'Neill are a disgrace to themselves, their families, to the Queen and to the Nation of Papua New Guinea.

A member of the RPNGC should be a proud professional intelligent independent law enforcement officer, not a politicians pet. We the people demand no less.

So Peter O'Neill thinks he can challenge the Supreme Court and get away with it because he controls the Police Force? That no policeman will execute the Courts Orders.  He thinks he can get away with it because he ( the Australians) control the Ombudsman Commission? Does he realize the short sightedness and folly of his logic?

The people must rise up and protect the integrity of the Judiciary. We cannot afford to destroy these institutions and desecrate the Constitution. It is important that our Leaders comply with laws and set for all of us a good example. The reason is very clear. If Peter O'Neill does not comply with the law and fights with the Court system, why should the man on the street comply with any laws or orders of the Court?

The greater good of society demands O'Neill not to beget more illegitimacy, but to exercise restraint and common sense, and comply with law. If he doesn't, my prediction is that all hell will break lose, and then O'Neill will jump on the Falcon to the waiting arms of Julia Gillard. Where will that leave the rest of us?

Mr O'Neill lets get this nonsense over and done with. Lets comply with the laws, comply with the Supreme Court ruling, apologize to the Court, clear the way for fresh elections, and come back form clear and clean government, with the peoples clear mandate to govern. Don't drag this young clean nation to the pits of ignominy. We deserve better, and right now the people are not getting it, while you guys are playing your stupid power games. If you dint take my free advice, I m afraid you and Belden will be forever held responsible for destroying this nation and its institutions. That will be history's verdict on your contribution. You mark my words.


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