Friday, February 3, 2012

Chief Justice suspended again

Chief Justice suspended again

THE Judiciary and the Government of Prime Minister Peter O’Neill are on a collision course.
On Wednesday, the National Executive Council suspended Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia and appointed a tribunal to inquiry into serious allegations leveled at Sir Injia.
Mr O’Neill yesterday announced the suspension and appointment of Deputy Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika as Acting Chief Justice.
This prompted a three men Supreme Court bench, comprising Justice Injia himself, Justice Bernard Sakora and Justice Nicholas Kirriwom stayed the suspension of Justice Injia.
“Pending formal charges of contempt being laid by the Registrar of the Supreme Court agaist Hon Peter O’Neill MP and Chairman of the National Exeutive Council and members of the said NEC, and lawyers Mr Michael Wilson and Ms Tiffany Twivey, any decisions made by the regarding the suspension of the Hon.
“Sir Salamo Injia as Chief Justice are hereby stayed until further orders,” the three men bench ruled.
Mr O’Neill, flanked by senior members of his cabinet announced the suspension of Sir Salamo and said the Chief Justice was given the opportunity to clear his name.
“These allegations are very serious. The Government has been troubled by them for some time. I’ve mulled over it for over six months, and after wide consultation we decided on this action.
“The Chief Justice of Papua New guinea must be given every opportunity to clear his name against these allegations. Sir Salamo and the high office he holds should not be constantly dogged by them,” he said.
Mr O’Neill said the allegations must be brought before a proper and compenent forum and dealt with.
He said cabinety made the decision on Wednesday after receiving advice from the Department of Attorney General.
“I want o assure the nation that this decision by cabinet has nothing to do with the Supreme Court decision and related proceedings currently before the National and Supreme court.
“It is about preserving the credibility and integrity of the Office of the Chief Justice. The referral is in accordance with the constitution and other relevant laws,” he said.
He said the inquiry into the allegations will be headed by retired judge Justice Graham Ellis and Sir Kubulan Los and Paul Akuram as members.
This is the second time Sir Salamo has been suspended by the O’Neill/Namah Government on allegations of misconduct in office.
Earlier in the day the same three men bench of the Supreme Court made an order for all principal parties in the proceedings by East Sepik Provincial Executive and other related proceedings currently in the National and Supreme Court to appear in person with their respective lawyers next Tuesday to be heard on their respective applications.
The order specifically stated the parties and persons to appear in person. And they are Peter O’Neill, Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare , Belden Namah, Anderson Agiru, Jeffrey Nape,Francis Marus, Dr Allan Marat, Sir Arnold Amet, Jamie Maxton-Graham, Police Commissioner Toami Kulunga, Acting Deputy Commissioner Fred Yakasa, Major-General Francis Agwi, retired Colonel Yaura Sasa, Hudson Alois Ramatlap, Joseph Klapat and Anna Solomon.

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