Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hela manager by year’s end slamed


THE Hela Governor Anderson Agiru’s idea of having a permanent Hela Provincial Administrator by year’s end is utter nonsense for politics, an extreme indication of a lack of his leadership.
Hela’s chief and Deputy Chairman of the THE Party Hela Province, Peter Hetaya has slamed Agiru’s idea.
“Why is he misleading the people of Hela and holding the new province to ransom?” Mr Hetaya questioned.
He said Tari Poma, Koroba Kopiago and Komo Magarima, were united for the new province.
“We want to have new, young vibrant provincial administrators in the likes of William Bando to lead the province forward.
“The Helas had seen a lot of physical changes in terms of banking services, effective flow of electricity, the construction of certain feeder roads, significant drop in law and order problems, to name a few and many yet to come, during the Hela Transitional Authority,” Mr Hetaya said.
He said Helas were indebted to the groups and individuals who worked tirelessly to lay the basic foundations of Hela through the chairmanship of James Marape, captainship of William Bando and the crews.
“Since Hela was declared as a province, we need to maintain that kind of political leadership to exhilarate development. This issue of having the permanent administrator has been dragging for too long. There were three PEC meetings in Hela and several ads were put out in media by the PEC members questioning why there is delay in appointing the permanent provincial administrator to properly steer the province. There were not rented crowds getting to the media for their own gains. It was the leaders, the elites of Hela speaking out. That is their right,” Mr Hetaya said.
He said Helas knew Agiru stand during the UBBSA in Kokopo when Hela province’s idea was brought into agreement. They knew his total ignorance to the idea of Hela province.
Mr Hetaya said the people of Hela knew Agiru’s role when boundaries were drawn.
“You went into hiding as if you were not the son of Hela. It was the struggle and sacrifice of some very few in the likes of Hela Kimbu and many others who fought without fear or favour for Hela province.
“We have played our politics already. Hela is a province now and the time to play politics is over. We will play again when the time comes in 2017. Now it’s time to work together for our new province,” he said.
Mr Hetaya said Hela was the hub of the worlds PNG LNG project.
“Helas are known for warfare and tribal conflicts. We now see a huge drop in law and order and tribal warfare problems, a treat to this important project. We know it is the great effort by the authority in the past and we want the continuation of that leadership for our new province.”
He urged Prime Minister
Peter O’Neill to look into the issue and give the province a permanent administrator.
“I also challenge the four MPs and the like minded elite to work together for the betterment of Hela,” Mr Hetaya said.

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