Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Somare deserves an honourable exit

WE owe Sir Michael Somare for what he has done for PNG.  He has mastered the art of uniting a nation of diverse cultures. The best gift Sir Michael has given PNG is to ensure the Constitution has not  been compromised. He also gave us a 40-year blueprint called Vision 2050.

The amended Prime Minister and NEC Act by parliament to unseat him should be interpreted and clarified by the courts.   Sir Michael is the legitimate East Sepik regional member. The East Sepik provincial government’s Supreme Court reference showed the confidence East Sepiks have in Sir Michael.
He must be reinstated as MP.

Once he has been reinstated, I urge Sir Michael to lead an effective opposition to keep a check and balance on the government. I appeal to all MPs to give our founding father an honourable exit after the writs are issued in April. I urge the East Sepiks and the Somare family to allow Sir Michael to retire. He has been bestowed the title of the “father of the nation”.

No one can match his achievement and his name has already gone into our history books.
Sir Michael deserves a much-needed rest and time to spend with his fa­mily and grandchildren.
In Rabaul, we have a unique way to say thank you to the Grand Chief, if he were to retire from politics.
He may be a Sepik but he spent most of his young life in Rabaul.

We treasure him as a son and Chief in the Tolai culture. He has gained the respect of our elders.
As young leaders, we want to see him retire from politics properly, not cut short by parliament.
He deserves the respect from all MPs.
Likewise, Sir Michael needs to also show the same level of respect to his fellow MPs.

John Watmelik

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