Friday, May 18, 2012

Time to call it a day, Sir MTS

When the old man (MTS) underwent offshore heart operations last year, the son announced the family's resolution about retiring their father from politics. However, this was utterly overturned when the frail and pale looking old man adamantly declared his intentions soon after returning from Singapore that he will relentlessly defend his post as he was still the Legal PM of the Nation.
On a similar note, the daughter couple of weeks ago via Liam Fox, ABC correspondence News echoed similar family sentiment regarding their father’s exit in local politics however, this was again countered with cold reception from the old man yesterday when he announced he is still yet undecided whilst implicitly implying his intentions to run the NE.
 From yesterday’s final Parliament Sitting, Dame Kidu and Sir Mek announced their last day in politics and received their well-deserved send-offs from the House however, nothing of this sort did we see forthcoming from the old man. So, it is sensible to conclude that he has made up his mind already! In another interview, he brushed aside conflicting rumors and further reaffirms his strong intentions to fight vigorously and form the next government and as such he will contest this 2012 NE
We also know that during the last election (2007), in his main campaign pump-up speeches to rally support to be voted back into Parliament, he blatantly and publicly announced to the people of ESP about his plans in politics that the term (2007-2012) was going to be his last and thus, this was received with warm welcome by all.  Now the people of ESP and the whole country for that matter is well aware of this and as such, all eyes are eagerly watching and waiting to see if he will respect his own words!
Furthermore, fresh in everyone’s memory is the recent NA regime toppling when the faction led by now the THE Party Leader, Hon. DP dissociating himself with rest of the others to team up with ONemah to unfold the ‘Surprise Package’ on the Aug 2, 2011! - The surprise move was based on pure disgruntlement by majority because of continuous injustice by NA hierarchy. In that, the top boss was running the Country like a family affair (this is not to mention the ‘up-grading’ of the National NEC to ‘Kitchen Cabinet)’ and at the same time limiting practically all State-owned entities and National Politics to his lineage. How thoughtless and self-centered is this!
Having considered most of the turn of events, now let us logically put it into perspective regarding the old man’s stubborn pursuit, if it is still confirmed regarding his intentions to contest the 2012 NE;
1. Old man cannot obey himself and live up to his words. In that he is untrue to himself because as far as the people from ESP and PNG are concerned, this should be his last term.
2. Old man cannot even listen to his immediate family members (including Bertha and Arthur). Family members are pillar thru which one draws off his/her support and strength. If you are not listening to yourself and your family colloquy, then to start off with, I wonder if you have any respect for yourself and your family for that matter! Does your family and you been in existence is of any significance to you at all, old man?? How stubborn!
3. His very NA members including his very close allies and coalition partners no longer have any confidence in him and as such have deserted him; they have dissociated any affiliations etc. with him. This was evident on Aug 2, 2011. Have you not realized that you have lost grip of you own ship?? You got to be a fool to believe that the same team of ducks who jumped ship and betrayed you broad day light to come back to you to form the next government?? I guess they are happy where they are. Besides, they have bigger and better dreams than to be once more be toyed around by you. Those days are up!
4. Life in its typical growth stages naturally shows that the age group between 25-45 years is the prime time. After that, ones capacity of thinking (intelligence) and level of productivity (performance) inherently decline respectively as age increases. What good do you expect off an 80 year old weak old man?? Average Life expectancy of PNG is between 65-75 years.
I can go on and on but I stop here; When all odds are pointing against you old man, with all due respect, I would think that it will ONLY be proper, thoughtful and considerate of you to bow out of Politics when the sun is still shining. If there is any time in the history of this young Nation for you to salvage any of that residual lost pride and dignity on your well-deserved title – The Founding Father & The GC of the Nation, then trust me, it is now. Who knows, you might suffer even further humiliations if someone else unseats you in this NE as the mandate is not hereditary nor a birth right. This is Principles of Democracy whereby people chose by VOTE!
Therefore, having said this, it is only appropriate to call it a day in politics and not contest 2012 NE as the People of ESP, PNG and the International Communities alike are watching curiously. You will be remembered by everyone for this bold decision as there is nothing to prove (if that is what you are up against) so to speak.

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