Monday, November 26, 2012

Juffa impose strict guidelines

Post courier
ORO Governor Garry Juffa is imposing strict guidelines for foreign owned and run businesses in the province.
When the guidelines come into effect, no businesses will be allowed to operate in Oro province without the approval of the Provincial Executive Council.
“No business will be allowed to operate in Oro Province without the consent of the Oro Provincial Cabinet,” Governor Juffa said.
Mr Juffa had declared that Oro will only accommodate legitimate businesses who had ensured that they were complying with Employment and Migration laws of the country before they were given the green light to operate in Oro Province.
“I do not care what permits or licenses WAIGANI dishes out. If the company is not compliant with Labor and Employment laws, if they are in breach of Migration and Customs Laws, if they are not registered for Taxation purposes and they are not paying any form of tax, they will not be allowed to do business in Oro Province.
It is as simple as that,” he said.
“I will not allow my province to be a haven for those who flaunt the laws of PNG. All investors and businesses in Oro will have to be approved by the PEC and my office. Otherwise, they are not welcome.
“This includes fishing companies, logging companies and exploration and mining companies. Either you get our authorisation or you don’t enter Oro Province. For too long Waigani bureaucrats have negligently issued all types of licenses and permits without checking if the companies are actually compliant.
“No longer is this the case in Oro. You can do business in NCD or Waigani or elsewhere but if you are disrespectful of our laws and our people, you are not welcome in Oro. We welcome genuine investors, people who care and respect us, who pay their taxes and who abide by the laws of the land,” he said.
Governor Juffa said Oro Province would be establishing an inspectorate to review all businesses in Oro and determine whether companies are abiding by the laws.
“If they are not they would be asked to rectify their status or leave,” he said.
He also struck back at the Chinese Embassy and the China PNG Friendship Association for complaining about raids conducted by Customs and Police and said the companies complaining had a lot to answer for, such as illegal logging and firearms and illegal presence of expatriates who could not even speak English.
“In China we would respect the laws. In PNG, we expect the same courtesy. The company can lodge their complaints with my office and provide evidence. They can also explain their illegal activities in Oro and explain the firearms and illegal logging and breach of Migration and Labour laws,” Mr Juffa said.
“I would also like the Labour Department to explain what they are doing in Oro since there are many foreigners working here illegally. The message is very simple - you comply or you get out,” he said.

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