Thursday, October 11, 2012

A warning on bad government

Jack Atte Kapa Dumun,

I WRITE with dissatisfaction on the O’Neill-Dion government decision to change the vote of no confidence a period of 18 months to 30 months.
This type of government rots and is most likely to bring anarchy in our democratic process of decision making.
Throughout the political history of this country, government policies and practices have been imposed by the leaders’ only meaning that, they have been characterised by a lack of consultation with indigenous people.
It has been government together with their bureaucracies and advisers that have imposed their will in a manner that serves to emphasise not the people of this nation but their own interest.
We have a history of changes in government coalitions and leadership from within Parliament during the five –year intervals between national elections. New governments are protected by law from votes of no-confidence for the 18 months of their term of office, and no votes may be moved in the 12 months preceding a national election.
Changes in government following motions of no-confidence have been a characteristic of Papua New Guinea politics since independence.
It was a part of our tradition ever since independence.
The imposition of this policy without adequate consultation is inconsistent with the notion of the people of this nation.
It is a policy of self-determination and self-management that has to be implemented, characterising them as “hurried” and lacking adequate consultation.
Removing or changing a democratic procedure mandated by our constitution is a violation of the constitution.
Why are they trying to change this law? This isolated incident has jeopardised and to some degree destroyed the trust, confidence and mutual respect we the people of Papua New Guinea have nurtured and maintained to date until the current O’Neill-Dion government was formed.
Such actions from all MPs who support this move is an embarrassment to the people of this country.
I regret that this eventuality has rather stained and tarnished the country’s parliamentary system. In fact, it is a clear indication of a bad government that is so heartless and gullible with greed and sees the population of the destitute through a mere tunnel vision.
It clearly shows to the people of this country that “they are power voracious”. This gives a clear grim warning on bad governments.

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