Saturday, June 2, 2012

Papua New Guineans say "Namah MUST GO"

Papua New Guineans are speaking online against the recent actions of Belden Namah against the Chief Justice:

Iva Toguri D'Aquino: Ensure we put a spot light on this emerging dictator, who was once a charged with treason; a TRAITOR whom we have empowered and made a hero.

Sally Tadabe: This is no longer about Sir Solamoa Injia. This is now about whether PNG allows it to become "OK" for any Member, if he/she is unhappy about a court ruling to storm into the highest court in the land -... while it is in session - and scream at the head of the Judiciary. This is a precedent that we must ensure is never repreated.


A senior lawyer for the ONamah gang emailed me on Wed attempting to intimidate me into silence re my comments on fb, twitter and my blog. I've responded to that lawyer giving as good as I got and maybe one better...that lawyer has not responded any of my followup emails which have been ccd to my Secretary. Perhaps caught up in trying to counsel Namah....

You're dealing with a man who loves this c...ountry more than his job...and is not afraid to lose something for what he believes in and for his loyalty to the Constitution. I'm not loyal to a clientele like you. I'm loyal to my people. I don't intend to stand aside and let my people believe a well-funded propaganda exercise by rogue politicians and their mercenary lawyers and spin doctors.

It hurts me to see an ill-informed public form ill-informed opinions regarding the rule of law in this country. So I make my comments to give people a side to consider: the side of the Constitution.

Social media and the Internet is all we got. We can't pay for full-page ads nor call a press conference because that spineless press will not come because people like me are so ordinary. Those who can draw the press are either spreading their propaganda or are too spineless to speak the truth.

I hope to God that your consciences will burn as you support a messed-up politician drunk with power and self-righteousness.

I love my country too much to be silent.

God Bless PNG...


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