Monday, October 8, 2012

Lady Kidu's Informal Sector Act . Was It a good idea ?


Rausim Na Say's :
 The Informal Sector Development and Control Act 2004 was designed to provide the facilities and encourage development of informal business in urban and rural areas. The act also designed to regulate and control the development of informal business for the protection of public health and safety. The two issues which arises from this legislation are; 1) who is the lead agency to regulate this act and 2) was it intended to promote buai sales under the pretex of informal sector as per s.12 of the act?

Since the establishment of this act we have closed several illegal markets and street sales especially in the cities have increased. The boroko market is now closed, the boroko buai market at the back of post office was chaotic and now closed, Hohola market was relocated, Rainbow market is now closed and Gordon's market is giving continuous night mares for city authorities and rendered high risk area by the general public.

A serious reform is urgently required on how markets are to be conducted in the city. This include amending this act from lessons learnt and providing specifice definitions and supporting regulations as to what informal business is and what needs to be sold apart from buai.
 "I don't know now if Lady Kidu's Informal Sector Act was a good idea given the problems it has brought about"

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