Friday, February 3, 2012

Please, give our local scientists a fair go

UP until now, no one bothered to realise how much science can contribute to the nation’s development. No one refers to both the past and present government. Every year we hear about foreign scholarships being given out to Papua New Guineans to go abroad for further studies. As a nation, we appreciate the assistance given from our friends abroad.
How genuine are they in their selection and awarding of scholarships?
From observation, most of the scholarship recipients are from the areas of social sciences and business.
What about the field of science? The obvious reason is foreigners are afraid of local scientists. With low-tech equipment and run-down laboratories we have managed to get things done and we will continue to do so.
Does it ever bother anyone why foreigners, especially scientists, come into our country?
Because PNG is in the business of selling PhDs, and it’s for free. If any foreign scientists are interested in exploring Papua New Guinea’s natural biodiversity, you are most welcome.
If given a conducive and well-funded environment, I know with faith that we the local scientists can contribute a lot towards our nation’s development.
This is a little bit of something for the government of the day to think about.


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