Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Government allocates K10mil for landslide victims

Source:  The National, 
THE government has set aside K10 million to provide relief assistance for those affected by the massive landslide in Souther Highlands province.
The funds will be immediately released into the care of the Esso Highlands and the national disaster and emergency services.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said the developer and the national disaster and emergency services were on the ground trying to recover the bodies of those buried under the dirt caused by the landslide.
The money will also assist families affected by the disaster.
O’Neill said the K10 million would be used as seen fit by authorities on the ground.
“It is a major disaster which called for a major government intervention,” he said.
He said issues relating to addressing the disaster in the area would be taken care of by the funding.
The landslide at Tumbi village near Nogoli, in Hides last week claimed 25 lives in one of the worst disaster to hit the province. It is believed some bodies were still buried under the rubble.
O’Neill flew into the area the day after the disaster to offer his condolence to relatives who lost their loved ones.
Cabinet also approved a further K25 million towards the rehabilitation of infrastructure caused by heavy rain around the country – including the maintenance of the Angabanga bridge in Central province.
The Angabanga bridge is a vital link connecting parts of Kairiku-Hiri and Gulf province to Port Moresby.
“The people of Gulf and parts of Central are being denied access into the city because of structural damage to the bridge caused by flooding of the Angabanga river.”
O’Neill said rain would continue over the next few months and many parts of the country will be inundated with flooding.
“The K25 million is to reconstruct roads and bridges that have been damaged or washed away by the heavy rain,” he said.

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