Monday, January 30, 2012


PNG politics  has become what we can all call the 'Beauty & The Buffoon Show' after Julia Gillard has made her intentions known to O'Neill and has been pushing it in Waigani and other avenues, Alexander Downer has decided to push the matter beyond doubt by coming to her rescue with a few handy pointers and even a chronology of events of his own.

Well how does that work? A blue blood die hard Liberal Party man coming to the rescue of this Labour Party red haired damsel in distress in the wilds of New Guinea with one leg in the air and the other conducting the Waigani Choir. There might just be a catch somewhere, and we know it is not political gratuity because over the years we know there was no love lost between Liberals and Labour when Downer was active. There is something sinister going on.

To even think that Downer has any reserve goodwill or inherent altruism for the nation of Papua New Guinea or its people is the statement he has made would be far from the truth. The man, even in Australian political circles is a celebrated buffoon born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and for a Rhodes scholar, he has proven himself to be far removed from the realities of his people and certainly has no cause to empathise with the unfortunate and the suffering. He lived in a political vacuum devoid of anything else but his own voice and that of Howard. He was ( and is ) the biggest Buffoon of the Pacific and Howard was the Deputy Sherriff of the Pacific, and thus characterized their foreign policy out of Canberra.

Backed up by an Irish Catholic Federal Police Commissioner in Mick Kelty, the combination of the three thought they owned the Pacific and could do as they bloody well pleased. In aid to their cause was the Australian Media Machine, co-ordinated out of the Prime Minister's Office, engineered by one very savvy bureaucrat who we shall refer to as JM for now. ( JM as most of you readers will not know was Howard's special projects man. He did the damage control and cover up jobs for Howard. He was instrumental in the Tampa/Children Overboard affair, and the Australian Wheat Board scandal in covering for Howard and Downer).

JM is now head of one of the three Intelligence Organisations housed within the Attorney Generals Offices. He is one of the most feared and most powerful public Servants in Canberra. The Press release by Downer looks very much like his handy work, and that would explain the connection between a Labor Party damsel in distress and a Liberal Buffoon to the rescue. JM probably cleverly thought what would the unsuspecting public in PNG know! He has gotten away with so much in the past by media ear bashing and brain washing.

Well today it is a little different my friend JM, damsel and buffoon. The sons of the fathers have grown up a bit and know you exist, and know what you have been doing. We prefer that you deal with us on equal and fair basis than using media subversion and all the little dirty tricks out of your many a coloured bag of tricks to swing our politics to suit your interests.

You see we know about how Downer carried a red suitcase of case full of cash via diplomatic cover to Iraq for Saddam Hussein. We know how Australian government knew of the sale of wheat by AWB to Saddam in breach of UN sanctions, and what  you JM did to cover up for Downer and Howard in the Cole Inquiry. We know about Reith and Tampa and Children overboard saga and what JM did to cover Downer and Howard's arses.

Downer, not being the Foreign Minister, can only be commentating on PNG  if he has been given a brief  by someone (like JM) with a set chronology of events to suit his push for O'Neill to be PM. Well any idiot reading Downers Chronology or statement of facts can tell he left important bits out and is misleading:
1. We have  2 PMs not  2 GGs.
2. We didn't have any legal uncertainty to replace Somare when he was in hospital. The process was clear and NEC elected to follow it. (This process was upheld by the Supreme Court.)
3. Downer is seeking to whitewash/disregard the full effect of the Supreme court decision to install Somare as the Executive Government in Parliament. He does not understand our Constitution and therefore he is misleading himself and the Australian Public.
4.All the conduct of Parliament in respect of retrospective legislation and the legitimacy of O'Neill government is subjudice as it is before the courts right now.  Downer has to respect our Judiciary. (No wonder he is still the biggest Buffoon in the Pacific. How did this guy become a Rhodes Scholar?).
5. Downer has come up with a nice convenient explanation and a smooth way to gain legitimacy via the media. Of course a little help from his mates like JM who write up stuff for him to release helps.

In the business of bulldozing policy and having his own way Downer has form. In the business of disregarding democracy and human rights and having his own way Downer has form too. His historical record includes:
1. Attempted military operation into Fiji to invade it, and only gave up when a Black hawk helicopter went down and his troops were exposed.
2. Called on PNG Military and Police and civil society to take up arms and forcefully remove a democratically elected government of Somare/Polye from its role as Government during the Moti crisis.
3. Ignored the Bougainville crisis since 1989 and most of Howard-Downer reign until New Zealand was actively involved over many years to resolve it. Downer never did any thing to resolve it although CRA too 80% of the wealth of Bougainville through Australia. Downer came much much later to try to take the kuddos away from New Zealand, but we know the credit rightfully belongs to Mckinnon of New Zealand. Downer was again acting like a Buffoon.
4. On the Human Rights scales, Downers legacy is there for all to see:
(a) David Hicks- an Australian from Downers own city of Adelaide was tortured and imprisoned by the US in Guantanamo Bay for 5 years that Downer was  Foreign Minister, without trial or any conviction, and Downer allowed this to go on! Despite thousands of petitions on behalf of Hicks to Downer he allowed this guy to be treated less than an animal. Well, what sort of an animal is Downer, who is prepared to discard one of his own citizens as a piece of garbage? Now he wants to talk about the welfare of PNG, people of another colour and race ?
(b) Mohamad Habib- similarly hijacked interned and tortured in Egypt and US by and through knowledge and Australian government, presumably his office. For Downer's acts of stupidity Habib was awarded over $30 Million in damages.
(c) Mohamad Haneef- the Gold Coast Doctor also arrested and tortured in Australia by Mick Kelty and Federal Police. Again Downer presided over this which has now resulted after an Inquiry in compensation over $10 Million to this man and his family.

And the list goes on of what Howard, Kelty and Downer did in making Australia, the Pacific and the world a scary and insecure place to live in. Most important of all they used the medium of media to try to justify their conduct and to soften society. The key man in that was this JM character. It is clear he is up to his dirty trick again in this political impasse we are experiencing in PNG.

But  really what is Downer commentating as? What is his new role in PNG? What are his new credentials because his past credentials stink! He has shown that he does not care about PNG, he wants to change whatever the elected government is just to suit himself and Australia.

I think it is better for him to enjoy his retirement, go find some open space somewhere on the fringes of Australia and wait to die. That would be the best favor he could do  the 7 million people of PNG.

We have a democracy, imperfect as it may be. We have a judiciary dealing with our political issues. We have Leaders who have stuffed this nation up. Let the courts decide. If they don't we will go to the elections and decide, my views about the legitimacy of O'Neill-Namah regime aside. Ultimately we will go to the elections and decide. We need Buffoons to keep out of our politics, and that goes for you too Julia and JM.

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