Thursday, October 18, 2012

I was treated like a criminal at Jackson Airport

I WRITE to inform your readers of an incident that happened to me on October 15 in Jacksons Airport International Departure lounge.
I had made a K60 purchase in the shop near to Immigration Hall. I paid for my purchases with a new K100 note.
After clearing immigration, I found a seat in the International Departure lounge.
Soon after I was approached by 3 Airport Security personnel and the lady from the shop.
I was asked if I was the person who had made a recent purchase and was asked to show the goods purchased.
Then I was informed that the K100 note I had used at the shop was Counterfeit!
I protested my innocence and was asked whether I had more K100 notes, I showed them three more K100 notes.
I was then told to accompany the security personnel to an office near to immigration where I was interrogated like some criminal.
I was told that I had committed an offence and that I would miss my Singapore flight and be handed over to the Police.
After trying to prove my innocence and after making two phone calls to my Papua New Guinea office, I requested that the money be thoroughly checked by the Bank South Pacific bank staff to prove whether these notes were counterfeit or not.
A Bank officer was called and he confirmed that the notes were legal tender! Finally after much embarassment and after plenty of accusations by airport security, I was released and allowed to join the flight.
This unprofessional conduct could have been avoided if the girl in the shop and the security had checked with the bank in the first instance before accusing me of dealing in counterfeit money.

Matthew Adams
Passenger on PX 392

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