Peter O’Neill was quoted in the ‘Drum’ section of the Post Courier  (31/5/12) as saying…” I think it is somewhat of a record in the world that I have been re-elected three times on the floor of Parliament and sworn in three times by the Governor General”
Update: 1/6/12
Leader of the Opposition, Dame Carol Kidu has slammed the behaviour of leaders in their desperate pursuit for power during the last week.
Speaking from Fiji where she is attending a 3-day Pacific Green Growth Leaders Core Group initiative facilitated by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Dame Carol said “It is very embarrassing to try to explain the continuing political desperation to claim power over the last few weeks in PNG to a Pacific leaders meeting which includes the Secretary General of the Melanesian Spearhead Group and former and present political, church and NGO leaders and advisors. The question I am being asked is “What on earth is happening in PNG?” It is very difficult to answer such a question.”
Dame Carol said “Politicians bursting into a Court room to order the arrest of the Chief Justice, Parliament sessions being held after the Issue of Writs and then a sudden “re-election” of a Prime Minister after accepting the ruling of the Supreme Court (after arresting the judges responsible for the ruling) – how can I possibly explain such madness to our Pacific neighbours? What has happened over the last few weeks completely contravenes all protocols and processes that are the norm of a modern democratic State.
All MPs should be in their electorates campaigning; not desperately claiming power when in fact we should all now be in caretaker role only. I hope that the elections will bring some major changes and that PNG can get back on track reviewing and defining our Constitutional democracy in a proper, mature and responsible democratic way – through a bipartisan approach and based in wide public consultation. It must be stated very clearly that Parliament (and thus politicians) is not supreme. All arms of government are answerable to our Constitutional democracy which can be changed but by proper processes.
I support Sir Michael Somare in his call for an end to this mockery of Parliamentary protocols and I commend the people of PNG for the peaceful patience they have displayed over the last nine months of political madness. Let us show the world that we can have a free, fair and safe election without any further attempt to delay the outcome to change the present political scenario for the betterment of PNG.”