Sunday, January 29, 2012


Australia belongs to the ASIA PACIFIC GROUP ON MONEY LAUNDERING (APG). This group consists of many countries in the region including Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. In addition these countries have international Interpol obligations and have also entered into bi-lateral law enforcement cooperative arrangements with Australia, especially in the wake of 9/11 and the Bali Bombings. Under these arrangements, and especially under APG, all transactions above a certain amount in the banking system or known by other intelligence  automatically triggers internal reporting in Member countries, as well as to Member countries and their law enforcement agencies. Ever since the 9/11 bombings, (when  as I revealed large amounts of money were transacted by terrorists through Fijian banks)  the controls have been tightened, and the intelligence is followed and analysed on a daily basis, particularly because it has become a life and death business.

In Australia, recently passed Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism-Financing Legislation exists to net almost anyone transacting over $10,000 in cash. All anomalies are followed through. In addition to that the Financial Transactions Reporting laws and  the Australian Transactions Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) already have files on the Three  Busketeers. (As an aside, Australia keeps a file on all PNG MPs and collates just this type of information, just in case they need it one day).

These facilities combined with the facilitation of the APG Group/Interpol reporting, Australia already has the low down on our Three Busketeers activities in relation to the $250 Million. The information kept on the main man, Capt. Namah is quite a file. It includes his visits to Casinos of Australia and how much he spends. The Casinos disclose all, as they are required by law to do.

So far the Australian government has not cried foul! They have not screamed bloody murder when the PNG Supreme Court Orders were flagrantly breached by the O'Neill-Namah regime. When the Constitution was clearly breached on 2nd August 2011 by O'Neill-Namah regime Australia kept very very quiet. It was as if O'Neill had had a private one on one with the Australian High Commissioner and got Canberra's and especially Gillard's nod before the events of 2nd of August 2011.

All the signs are clear that O'Neill did do a deal with the Australian government on his intent, and got the nod to do it. Somare, someone who grew up being told he was a native and could not drink beer in the Papua Hotel with the whites, but relegated to the natives side (outside) always knew the devils he was dealing with, and always saw through their lies. Australia never liked that, to this day. They couldn't do certain things to control PNG because he was forever an obstacle. Somare's position has always been, 'I championed Independence to free us from Australian colonial domination in every way- not to become modern day bonded slaves'.

Whatever the details of the deal  that Peter O'Neill did before  the 2nd August heist in Parliament, he was confident of Australia's support, and of course that means Post Courier's support too. Peter would have packaged and sold himself as a man of mixed parentage, that his feelings for his Australian-ness could not be doubted. That he is a modern mature business- friendly and loyal face to further Australian interests. Of course, Australia didn't sell its loyalty cheaply too. They named their price. O'Neill agreed. That was the deal.

Immediately after 2nd August 2011, Peter O'Neill flew to Canberra to sign a number of Bi-Lateral Agreements with Australia. Those Agreements consist in part what O'Neill had agreed to. The Federal Attorney Generals Office, (which also houses and administers ASIO) had been busy writing up their wish list including getting everything they wanted in 2004, but the Supreme Court of PNG had thrown them out. They waited 8 whole years for this moment. They rushed these agreements to O'Neill to sign, as per pre-arranged agreements made prior to 2nd August 2011. O'Neill did not let the ink dry, he didn't let these important Agreements to be reviewed critically by the State Solicitors Office with Independent Advice to Cabinet on their full terms and implications. No, O'Neill did not do any of  that- very very surprising and worrying indeed!

The significance of pre-2nd August 2011 understanding  between O'Neill and Australia is that O'Neill agreed to sell PNG to Australia, and Australia agreed to grant him and his government political recognition.

Australia's conduct so far has been absolutely consistent with this understanding. They have opted to take this nation ( RAMSI- Solomon Islands style), a greater prize as it is, than decry  the obvious breaches of the Constitution or rule the rule of law. They have decided they are not going to even bother Peter O'Neill trampling all over the Supreme Court and the Constitution. WHY? They have agreed , and they know what they are getting and O'Neill knows what he is getting.

Never in my wildest dreams have I thought after the Supreme Court had made its decision on the ECP Program in 2004, a Political Leader and purported Prime Minister would go and sign Agreements contradicting the explicit intent and spirit of the Supreme Court Decision.

Then again, am I to believe that the attempted impeachment of the Chief Justice an accidental idea that popped up in some one's mind as they were getting drunk at Airways, cuddling and fondling naked Asian Women serving their every whim? Perhaps not! It would seem that it was a planned act of indifference and active disobedience of the laws of this country that Australia may have planted the seed, and watered in an unholy trade-off. Australia had a hand, even if in passive silence, in the lead up softening up of the Court prior to its decision of 12th December 2011, because it had already agreed to disregard the 2004 majority Decision of the same Court on the ECP case .

The Conduct of Australia so far is consistent with it having agreed to desecrate the 2004 Supreme Court Decision on the ECP, it cannot scream at O'Neill to respect the Supreme Court Decision of 12th December 2011. Australia could not talk about governance. It could not talk about the rule of law. It could not talk about respect for decision of the Supreme Court.

Australia had traded its ability to hold any government in PNG, and indeed in the Pacific to account  on those noble , but empty, principles, for the sake of a greater prize- the sheer joy and pleasure to come back to PNG at a time such as this, nullify our political Independence, take control of this nation and its resources, so that it can grow Australia's economy! That is why, while the rest of the world, including the Queen of England who is the head of the Commonwealth, were quite shocked at what transpired on 2nd of August 2011, Julia Gillard,( even to the shock of John Key of New Zealand) was the first to offer her recognition and congratulations to Peter O'Neill, for they had become Partners in Crime, and nuptials in this unholy marriage of convenience and political expediency, where they have relegated us, the people of PNG, to the ranks of page boys and flower girls.

What did Peter O'Neill do? He sold our Pride. He sold our Dignity. He sold our Nobility. He sold our Heritage and our History of 6o,ooo years ( to a 200 year old upstart!). He sold our Integrity. He sold our Nation.

I have to say this, so that those who live in the fast land of political expediency and get rich quick schemes must know that there are somethings that we as a people of ancient makings hold fast. The things that we consider important, that defines us as a people. Not every thing that we have and we are can be bought or sold, and yet these young plebs drunk with power think they can sell everything including our dignity! My very brown arse!!!


What Peter O'Neill did do is, he sold his soul. BUT HE DID NOT SELL OUR SOUL AS A NATION. That is why, I stand my ground, and I rule a line in the sand, where my fathers stood and where their fathers stood, the very same sand, and say to you Julia Gillard, SHAME ON YOU! SHAME ON YOU! YOUR DEEDS HAVE FOUND YOU OUT!

The announcement recently by the Acting Australian High Commissioner recognizing Peter O'Neill is consistent with the pre-2nd August 2011 pact. The 2nd August 2011 heist was a pre-meditated action in which Australia was an important part lending credibility and certainty. Australia went so far it could not pull out after the 12th December 2011 Supreme court decision. Australia has been waiting in the wings hoping the situation would resolve itself, but it didn't, and the recent military so called mutiny ( self created by O'Neill-Namah to grant themselves credibility) was used as the opening to recognize O'Neill as Prime Minister.

Australia couldn't stoop any lower than the gutters, but that is where it finds itself today on the charts of Great Nations and on the Charts of Democracy. Today every PNGian needs to hold his head high and be proud, because we, unlike certain people, do not go around selling our nation or our souls. We respect the Constitution, the rule of law and decisions of the Supreme Court which is more than what Australia has proven capable of! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME.!

It is therefore and in the context of this unholy marriage between Julia Gillard and Peter O'Neill that the Australian Authorities cannot do what is right in pursuing and revealing what they know about the activities and the files of the THREE BUSKETEERS OF WAIGANI. Australia is not being a responsible neighbour and is failing to discharge its International obligations in matters of Money Laundering, tax Evasion and combating Terrorism.

Again I hold grave fears for our democracy because countries like Australia who tasked themselves to coordinate and operate  our Interpol obligations, who speak often of regional law enforcement, cannot lift one finger to save us, when it does not suit them politically.

I urge all PNGians to note that this is a typical Canberra thing. The views of millions of decent Australians would be to do the right thing. Canberra always tells us to do one thing, when it does the very opposite. That is why Canberra is good at double tonguing, double talking and being double faced.

One Country

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